Love Connection Ministries

"Where LOVE will Never give up on You"

Do You Have a Family Altar?

Many people don’t know what a family altar means. A family altar is a specific place in the home or outside the home that is for a family to come together and pray and worship and learn about God. With the children dealing with peer pressure they need God in their lives more now than any other time. Prayer is also needed everyday. When you have a family altar you will have the quiet place needed to teach your children how to deal with peer pressure through prayer and learning God’s word.

You should set up your family altar right from the very beginning. If you don’t have one, you should make one now. There is never a better time than the present to do what is needed for your family.

Now you may ask what you do when you have your family altar time. Here are some things you need to cover. You can add more, not do some, it’s up to you. You need to create your own plan when you set it up.

• Prayer

Prayer is as important for a family as it is for an individual. You need to teach your children how to pray so that they can do it when they get up in the morning and when they go to bed at night. You also need to teach your family what to pray about. The power of prayer is something they will never forget.

• Bible Study

Bible study is another thing you should do during your family altar time. You can study different parts of the Bible or you can also study certain passages. When you have Bible study, you need to discuss this as a family when you finish your studies. This will help you have a better understanding of what you read and you will be able to ask any questions that may have come up.

• Verses

You can take time with your family each day to memorize Bible verses. It’s always a good idea to know verses of the Bible so you can say them when you need them or you can share them with others in their time of need. Maybe you have something going on in your life, you can look for the verse or verses that meet your needs and memorize those. Think about this every week and learn a verse that goes with what you are going through.

• 10 commandments

Learning the 10 commandments is important for anyone. It’s the laws that all Christians should live by on a daily basis. When you have these in your head at all times, you will always remember what is good and what is evil. You will use these on a daily basis and will be a better Christian when you do.

No matter what you call your family altar time, you need to have one. Time spent together as a family studying the Bible, God’s ways, and praying is so important. When you teach your family to do this every day their life will be so much better. Your family will appreciate it when you set aside time for this each day.



Sister McCullough



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This is a NOW time WORD for this generation and all generations.

Pray is more than money in the bank. Money can't heal you or deliver you.

Continue to allow God to speak THROUGH you.

The world needs what God has inside of you.


God Bless!

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