Love Connection Ministries

"Where LOVE will Never give up on You"

Each of us have been blessed with many gifts and talents and there is so much
in store for us once we recognize this. Our gifts and talents fall in many
categories. Think about it. We have gifts and talents in all of the following
areas; family, work, friends, church, community. Let's reflect on each category.
We have family that we were placed on this earth with. Our role with our
families may differ, however there is a gift and talent that we can demonstrate
to bring about the very intent of its creation. On our jobs, someone is watching
us and wonder how we balance all that we do and still have peace during a storm.
As friends, some of us are the peacemakers, bring joy or always having an
encouraging word. We can couple community and church as advocates for our
beliefs or volunteering to assist others in need. What ever we are called to do,
perform it to the best of your ability and always remember that you were
uniquely created and whatever God has for you is for you. You Can't Stop It,
They Can't Stop It. You see, if we are not doing what we are called to do, you
are allowing something or someone to control the situation and neither of these
things will win either. I encourage you today to step up and take control and do
what you have been called to do! Blessings and Peace unto you.

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Thank you. First reply. This is encouraging.

Peace and Joy Sis. LaShawn, such powerful words for a powerful moment. You speak the truth about our Gifts and Talents. Many of God's children never get to know their true Gifts and Talents. One of those reasons lies in the fact that many people accept their Gifts and Talents based on what other people think and praise about, while God has positioned each one of us to use our Gifts and Talents for His glory! Once we do that, in the name of the Lord, our Gifts and Talents become known to us, known to the world and the Christ in us becomes the beacon of light the world is looking for.


Stay blessed and continue to use your Gifts and Talents for God's glory. Amen

Dr. Siles

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