The following is a sample prayer direction for praying at watches. Every time you
come in prayer God will give you different direction and unction and scripture to
pray through. There is no permanent pattern. However one important thing to
note is that you should focus more on praying scripture into that gate. You do not
have to make long prayers.
General prayers to be prayed before the prayer point for the watch .
Pray for say 20 - 30 minutes over the gate of time i.e. starting at least 10-15
minutes before the hour and then 10 -15 minutes after the hour.
• Worship and praise God, read aloud and proclaim Psalm 148
commanding everything in creation to praise God in your life, work , family
and your community and nation
• Bring personal repentance and on behalf of family, ministry workplace
nation etc Psalms 51 Daniel 9.3-19 1 John 1.5 -10 and such like scripture.
• Declare that everything about this season e.g. of summer, the
fruitfulness, beauty and joy of life and happiness of this season the
restiveness of the season will reflect in your life, family, work, ministry and
nation. Pray prophetically that there will be a time of refreshing coming
upon you in this season in your work, family ministry and nation.
Prophetically proclaim the times of refreshing coming into the areas of
o Government and policy making
o Media and entertainment including print, electronic,
o Drama and theatre, holiday and leisure activities.
o Family
o The priesthood of God
o Stewardship and finances
o Welfare and justice
o Education
o The belief system and mindset of the people toward God and His
• Cover yourself and your family, ministry, work, property your nation with
the blood of Jesus
1. 6 – 9 pm 1st watch of the night. The foundation of the night and
BEGINNING OF THE WATCHES – Pray from 5.45 pm - 6.15pm. Joel
2:13, 17. Bring repentance on behalf of your self, family, ministry, work
and nation and all the evil that has been wrought through the dark realm.
Read Lamentations 2:19-20, Cry out for the life of what God is birthing the
body of Christ in your life and family, ministry and nation as you seek God
and his purpose for every station of your life Pray that those who are
planning to do evil activities at the midnight hour will fall to nothing.
Proclaim Isaiah 89-10. Proclaim that your family, nation etc. shall be
discipled to God.
2. 9-12 midnight is the second watch of the night. Time when the kingdom of
darkness prepare for their wicked activity Pray from 8.45 p m - 9.15 p m.
Pray aloud Psalm 59. Psalm 68:1-4. Pray that God will arise and His
enemies be scattered. All that are intimidating you, your family, ministry,
and the body of Christ in your nation through any curses their words and
darts will be returned to them. That they will not be destroyed but God will
arise and they will know the God of glory and turn to Him in repentance
and salvation. Have a session of praise and worship exalting God and
commanding all creation to praise Him. Read aloud Psalm 148.
3. 12 - 3 am 3rd watch of the night. Pray from 11:45-12.15a m. This is the
major time, witches do sacrifices and covenants. Pray that the works of
their hands, the incantations, prognostications and astrological readings
will fall and come to nothing. Proclaim Isaiah 4424-28. Read Isaiah 19.1 and
ask the Lord to come on a swift cloud and pull down, uproot, destroy all
satanic altars raised in the heavenlies against your life, family ministry
nation etc. Reconcile all creation to Him by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Read Col 2.14 -15 and use it to wipe out and every ordinance of the evil
one that has been written in the heavens, in the waters, in the high places
by the blood of Jesus and every arrangement that has been made by the
astrologers and witches, in this new season will be rendered powerless.
4. 3 – 6 am the last watch of the night or the 4th watch of the night. Pray
from 2.45 am - 3.15 am. During this time witches are withdrawing from
evil and the glory of God is coming in. Prophetically close the time of the
past so that a new season is ushered in your life, family, nation etc. Psalm
19:2 Day unto day uttereth forth speech…Take responsibility for what this
new day and this new season will speak into your life and into the life of
your nation. Prophecy and speak to the new day in your life; ask God to
bless you as He did Jabez, speak blessing and favour and the salvation of
God, redemption, deliverance, and the coming of God’s Kingdom ‘let Thy
kingdom come’, over your life, family, nation etc and program these
proclamations into the sun the moon and the stars. Proclaim psalm 121.6.
The sun and moon shall give forth their best for you.
5. 6 am – 9 am is the first watch of the day. Pray from 5:45 am to 6:15 am.
Raise a lamentation before God and pray that God will judge the wicked
who will not turn to Him as He did the Egyptian Army who pursued the
children of Israel in Exodus 14:24.
6. 9-12 noon. 2nd watch of the day. Pray from 8:45 to 9:15 am. Pray for the
outpouring of grace and supplication in your life, in your nation. Repent on
behalf of the body of Christ in your nation for not rising to meet with the
spiritual need of the people so that they reached out and got a counterfeit
from the dark realm. Repent on behalf of both those practicing witchcraft
and their customers because they all reflect a deep spiritual hunger and
thirst. That they will find salvation in this new season. Pray that as the new
season of spring is ushered in, greater love of God will spring forth
through yourself and the body of Christ to the lost in your nation.
7. 12-3 pm 3rd watch of the day - another time of witchcraft activity and
sacrifice Pray from 11.45am-12.15pm. Pray for an increase in the level of
the prophetic in your life, over your nation. Where the prophetic is raised,
witchcraft and sorceries etc come down (Deuteronomy 18:9-15,18). Also
pray for a greater release and outpouring of all the inspirational gifts of the
Spirit over the your life, the body of Christ in your nation.
8. 3 – 6 pm 4th watch of the day or last watch of the day. Pray from 2.45 pm-
3.15 pm. It is the time of sacrifice according to God’s time. Nullify any
other demonic sacrifices that may be made at the 3rd watch during mid-
day. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and His sacrifice nullifies any other.
This is the hour Jesus said it is finished. It is time for prophetic praise and
worship. Celebrating the finished work of Christ in your life, in your nation.
Proclaim the coming of the kingdom of God and of His Christ. Read aloud
Revelations 12:10 and prophecy this over your life, your nation etc
• Speak healing and reconciliation of all things in the beginning of the new
season in your life, your nation back to God (Col. 1.15-19)
• Pray that there no backlash of the enemy will come upon your life, family
your nation and the body of Christ.
• Reconcile all things to God in this new season in your life, in your nation.
• Praise and extol the Lord God in this new season – finish by declaring ‘for
Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever and ever’. Amen
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