Love Connection Ministries

"Where LOVE will Never give up on You"

When it comes to achieving one’s dreams there are three types of people: those who talk about their dream, those who pursue their dreams but when times get rough they give up. Finally, you have those individuals who endure until they see their dreams materialize. It’s my intention to speak to all three. By the time you finish this I pray that you will be encouraged as well as on fire to see your dreams materialize.

In regards to the first individual, this person only speaks of their dreams. They never take the necessary steps to put their plan into motion. These individuals will tell anyone who will listen to them for ten minutes their ideas and visions. However, when you ask the individual “What are you doing to achieve your dream?” Their answer is simple, “I’m working on it.”

Next, you have the individual who pursues their dreams but gives up just before their harvest comes in. When their first started they had a plan. (Their plan) However, as time went on they ran into a roadblock or their finances where under attack. In addition to this, this individual perhaps didn’t have a support or someone to encourage them or build them up. In the end, these individuals feel two ways. Their either feel as though they gave it their best shot, they made a mistake or they feel as though their failures.

Finally, you have the individual who has endured until what they believe comes to pass. When it seem as though they would fail, they kept pushing forward. When everyone told them they was crazy and to give up they took the criticism but they kept their eyes on the prize. These individuals never looked at what they saw where they we’re at. Instead they looked to the future. They looked at the end result of their endeavor. This person received revelation in which I want to share with you and this revelation is life changing.

The difference between the first two individuals and the last individuals is the latter realized the principle of farming. This person realizes the importance of cultivating the seed. When a farmer plants a seed, he does several things. First, the farmer must go plant the seed. (The dreamer with on action) Next, the farmer has to pull the weeds and water the seed. He does this for several times day for weeks at a time sometime months. During this time, the farmer is realistic. He knows it’s impossible to plant his seed on Sunday and have a crop on Wednesday. However, one day the farmer goes out and he has a full beautiful harvest. The farmer now knows it’s time to glean his fields.
This revelation isn’t new. Nor did the farmers create this method. To tell you the truth I know nothing about farming. However, I serve an awesome God. Jesus used this very message in a parable to describe not only what the Kingdom of God is like but also what would happen in the end times. He was giving a prophecy to His Children. God has planted a seed in all of His Children to do His Will, His Plans, His Purpose and His Good Pleasure.
There are many individuals out their just like me who has been given a mission which seems impossible. You have actually “seen” where you end up. You know that you get there even though everything you see and everyone around tells you your not. Sometimes, you wonder yourselves if you get there. Well, my brothers and sisters I have a message for you from Our Father…

If you hold on and know that He’s God you are about to see a manifestation of God’s Glory that has never been displayed on earth. He is faithful and true to His Word. Who can call God a liar and prove that He doesn’t keep His Word. You must tell yourself over and over again His Word doesn’t return to Him void. He knows the words He has spoken over our lives. (Isaiah 55:11) He knows you before you were born and has good plans for you. (Jeremiah 1:5/11:29) We have overcome the world. We are Son and Daughters of The Most High God.
He has asked me to impress upon you the significances of your dreams and visions and purpose. It’s not for you. Yes, you receive a reward for your obedience but it’s not for you it’s for the whole; the masses. A couple of days ago I receive this message which I will share with you…Connect the stories, the missions, the talents and the gifts. Together they tell a story to the world. Together, all of your lights shine bright…alone your lights are only dots. You all need to realize your lights together create a blinding light. Collectively, your lights are a beacon of hope to the world. Together, you rise…however separately there’s no progress. You have to come together to rise.

People, we are in the dawn of a new day. I understand all three individuals because I have been all three individuals. I want you to know and get this in your minds for those that struggle. What keep me going are five things…
1. I have seen the end result of my efforts and obedience
2. It’s not about me. I’ve been called for the masses.
3. There’s a Word spoken over my life that will not fail
4. Every time I think about giving up I know it could be just around the corner
5. I serve an awesome God who rewards those who diligently seek Him

I encourage you to hold on. Keep dreaming we share Big God. Finally, every
resource we need is in us, around us or coming to us!

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Comment by Minister JoAnn Smith - Visionary on January 10, 2009 at 11:05pm
This is an awesome word for a time as this. Thanks for this word at this time and on time.

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