Love Connection Ministries

"Where LOVE will Never give up on You"

Help! Is There Life in the Celibate and Incorruptible Seeds for Eternal Life

God loves you, not your sin! Jesus is the answer who loves and forgives unconditionally, saves, and delivers you by the blood right where you are.

Are you struggling with sex or do you take advantage of sex and enjoy those nights of passion? What one overcomes in celibacy can be struggling in a broken heart issue. Could your addiction be abuse, food, alcohol, drugs, loneliness, lotto games, creating wealth through deception, poverty, roving eyes and mind, or neglecting family and self? What has the enemy snatched from you? Did you have a child aborted from your womb? What else was aborted or stolen from your life? Or, just maybe you are angry with God because it appears He is not answering your prayers of crisis or someone close to you is no longer with you. Maybe the anger was so intense that you chose to run after other gods and idols.

What does God word say about sex? We are to abstain from sex and flee fornication (see 1 Corinthians 6:16-20). Sex is God’s gift for those who are married and much more powerful as God’s blood and rainbow covenant (not contract). Yes, there is a price for God’s liberation license or Satan’s bondage and guilt license (behind the invisible/visible bars).

What about this – Do you know what is in your generational bloodline? What is in the generational bloodline of your spouse? Will you enter another realm to know what spirits you will be marrying, what spirits will wake up or die because of the spoken words of God to live or Satan’s spoken words to wreak havoc? It goes beyond marrying your spouse and family-in-laws.

Hmmmm! Is there someone influencing you to have sex through the word of God? Open up the Word from Genesis through Revelations, and God will reveal the truth and revelations to you. Understand your mind and heart is a powerful gift God allows you to possess to live life in the overflow while the enemy will distort the gift to kill, steal, and destroy. People with agendas will distort the gift as weaponry creating confusion, doubt, intimidation, and control better known as witchcraft.

Did you know that you can overcome every addiction and sin? Did you know if you stick with God, at the appointed time during and after the olive press to squeeze out the stench and to smell good in God’s nostrils and taste and see that the Lord is good for He is Lord Jehovah? There is a price to pursue the Word of God. There is a price to walk into the holy matrimony and ministry calling to your King or Queen. Did you know when you are moving from the place of transition into the place of transformation, God reveals the secrets of His wisdom and revelations to you and shows you how to share your testimonies so others can live and declare the glory of God (see Revelations 12:11)? Did you know the enemy is still after the woman and her seed? Did you know you must go through the process for your success and victories? Did you know that after you win, you must live in the Word of God for the rest of your life? If not, the enemy will be right there waiting patiently for the opportunity to destroy you so you do not walk into the celibate lifestyle and ultimate blessings. Did you know that a man not only carries the natural seed to lock into a woman’s garden, but he also possesses the spiritual seed with God’s assignment? But when the natural seed becomes one with God’s spiritual seed – all I can say is “Oh my God.” Whatever happens in the dark will come to the light.

Did you know the enemy wants you believing it is okay to have sex outside of marriage and wants to see you fighting for your life in your rock bottom on his playing field trying to get you in the hell of fire where you cannot get out? God’s word says the battles belong to Him, not us. The question is, will you call out the name of Jesus that is above every name and situation?

What links to the celibate seed when you speak life? The spiritual seed will manifest as the physical seed through the channels: Seed of the Promise, naming the seed, giving the seed assignments from the voice and word of God, and giving into the tithing and seed center of God’s heart.

When you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior and live for Him, you will find out that you were born of the incorruptible seed (born into eternal life no matter what comes your way; undefiled; the word of God – see 1 Peter 1:1-23; 1 Corinthians 9:25; and 1 Corinthians 15:52), not the corruptible seed (immediate death).

Queen, have you been spending time in God’s word, His presence, and His spiritual school of preparation? Will you be able to discern man of flesh or your King? Will you be able to ask him these questions in your personality and speech, “Are you worthy to make entrance to cultivate and replenish my land born to me from God? What price are you willing to pay for me?” Only your King will be able to decode and answer these questions in addition to other questions the Lord will reveal to you. Your King will gladly pay the price for your love and cultivate your garden while another man who only has one thing in mind with hidden agendas to poison you. What consequence will you encounter? By the way, there are many men who are going through the process to know who they are in Christ, to discern the heart of God, and to become Kings in the home. The question is, when your King arrives, will you discern the spiritual special delivery package? When he does not come in the way you expected and he is from God, what will you do?

Virgins and Renewed Virgins of Wisdom, you are so precious and special that you are the heartbeat of God’s tithing and seed center. You are virtuous. You are a woman of honor. You are highly blessed and favored. Even if someone offered you $10 million for your life, the money can never do what Jesus Christ can do. God is your protector, your husband, your vindicator, your greatest physician and healer, your redeemer who redirects your life to the place of safety from danger that you cannot see. God wrote in blood with His own fingers the scrolls of instructions and blessings on the tablets of your heart. How can you put a price on your life when God gave His ultimate price, His son Jesus Christ as the ransom?

When you have journeyed through these written words, then you will find yourself in Revelations 12. You will understand why Satan is after the male child that possesses the promises of God for Jesus opened the door for the children – saved and unsaved. You will understand why Satan is set to destroy your mind, your mouth, your heart, and your family. Nothing is worse when you eat and drink the cup of God and the cup of Satan. It is life and death for you to become the incorruptible seed that God ordained you to be. The incorruptible seed stands the test of times. The incorruptible seed is the armor of God watered by the Holy Spirit hovering over you and protecting you. God watches over His Word to perform it. Yes, the celibate lifestyle is a major seed to the incorruptible seed. You will not know this because you were born into sin conforming to the world’s ways.

Take a peek in Revelations 12:5-17 (The Message): “5-6The Woman gave birth to a Son who will shepherd all nations with an iron rod. Her Son was seized and placed safely before God on his Throne. The Woman herself escaped to the desert to a place of safety prepared by God, all comforts provided her for 1,260 days. 7-12War broke out in Heaven. Michael and his Angels fought the Dragon. The Dragon and his Angels fought back, but were no match for Michael. They were cleared out of Heaven, not a sign of them left. The great Dragon—ancient Serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, the one who led the whole earth astray—thrown out, and all his Angels thrown out with him, thrown down to earth. Then I heard a strong voice out of Heaven saying, Salvation and power are established! Kingdom of our God, authority of his Messiah! The Accuser of our brothers and sisters thrown out, who accused them day and night before God. They defeated him through the blood of the Lamb and the bold word of their witness. They weren't in love with themselves; they were willing to die for Christ. So rejoice, O Heavens, and all who live there, but doom to earth and sea, For the Devil's come down on you with both feet; he's had a great fall; He's wild and raging with anger; he hasn't much time and he knows it. 13 -17When the Dragon saw he'd been thrown to earth, he went after the Woman who had given birth to the Man-Child. The Woman was given wings of a great eagle to fly to a place in the desert to be kept in safety and comfort for a time and times and half a time, safe and sound from the Serpent. The Serpent vomited a river of water to swamp and drown her, but earth came to her help, swallowing the water the Dragon spewed from its mouth. Helpless with rage, the Dragon raged at the Woman, then went off to make war with the rest of her children, the children who keep God's commands and hold firm to the witness of Jesus.”

Are you transparent enough for others to flip through the pages of your life to see how you overcame? Will someone be able to see the deep wounds that healed and yet see a slight scar for a reminder as to what the Lord has done? Has others seen your weaknesses and then SUDDENLY they end up seeing the grace, mercy, healing, miracle, and transformation of God for the anointing of love to come up on you? 2 Corinthians 12:9 Amplified reads: “He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!”

Will you repent and make an 180-degree turn toward God while you still have time and go across the healing light bridge for God to revive your spirit and anoint your natural and spiritual seeds to be a blessing?

Finally, there are some awesome guests scheduled to speak in August on the celibate life as a gift, not a curse. I encourage you to chime in on "Love Connection Ministries" at 7 p.m. founded by Minister Joann Smith and the Holy Ghost. Amen! There may be “THE WORD” that SUDDENLY releases you, heals you, and delivers you. There is nothing wrong with asking for help and prayer (read Revelations 12 again).

Sometimes what we feel is shame is just one voice away from healing and deliverance from the chosen angels with the word in their mouth. Even the woman with the issue of blood said within herself, “If I can touch the hem of Jesus garment, I will be healed.” She did touch Jesus’ hem which is the Word and heart of God and became whole – not just healed – BUT WHOLE. Allow your voice to be an open communication for your healing and breakthrough. Allow your voice to be an open communication for someone else’s healing and breakthrough. Yes, this is a painful process of carrying your cross except you are not alone. Jesus has lightened the load for you at the Cross those thousands of years ago. Jesus knew all that you would do and it was no surprise to Him, yet His blood and His word covered you! This is the process for the anointing is in your testimonies.

The invisible answers in your heart of concerns will soon become visible answers for others as you continue to draw into the presence of God in another realm of His glory. Yes, many are still overcoming – the saved, the unchurched, and the unsaved.

Okay -- Finally, it is time for us to come forth as the beacon of light. Remember always God’s word was made flesh by the blood of Jesus; therefore, God chose you to be the invisible word to come forth as His visible word as you draw closer to God. Others who see you spiritually and/or visibly will flip through the pages of your life and end up seeing theirs to enter the throne room of transformation.

God bless you in His Presence
       Lisa Wisdom Taylor

Views: 27

Tags: Celibate, Incorruptible, Seeds


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Comment by Lisa Wisdom Taylor on August 8, 2011 at 7:13pm

Hello Minister Joann,


Thank you.  I truly believe this opens the door of communication -- First it always starts in the spirit to suddenly explode into the physical atmosphere.  I thank God that you heed and know at some appointed time you will hear about the anointed testimonies and cries for help.  Can you just picture how many others stopped by and now know they must talk about it (whatever that "it" is) as the echo of God's voice ruling and reigning?


Glory to God!  God bless you!!!

     Lisa Wisdom Taylor

Comment by Minister JoAnn Smith - Visionary on August 8, 2011 at 2:00pm

God have did it again. Birthing His WORD through you. This is needed at a time as this, when people have

become lovers of themselves, unforgiving, lovers of money, ungrateful and disobedient to God.

Thank you again for being obedient to the Spirit of God. Many will be set FREE and blessed with these Words.

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